Friday, December 23, 2016


Hello Doolittle Families,

I wish you all much happiness and time together during the holidays and next week while we are on vacation.  

Regardless of how and what you celebrate, passing on family traditions and talking about them is good for kids.

File:Snowman icon.png

Our first day of school in 2017 is Tuesday January 3rd.
See you all then!

Friday, December 16, 2016


Hello Doolittle Families,

On Thursday the Doolittle Chorus, Band and Orchestra performed for all the students at our school. They were fantastic!
We are fortunate to have strong music teachers at Doolittle School:
Mrs. Weed
Mrs. Odell
Mr. Szulczewski

Next week these groups have their evening performances:
Band - Tuesday, 12/20
Orchestra & Chorus - Wednesday, 12/21
Both nights begin at 7pm in the Doolittle Gym.

Remember that next Friday 12/23 is an early dismissal day.
The following week there is no school for Winter Vacation.
School begins again on Tuesday 1/3/17.

Pictures of the week:
6th Graders Programming Robots


Friday, December 9, 2016


Hello Doolittle Families.

As we get ready for winter, be sure your family has a plan for inclement weather.  Most importantly, Doolittle School Staff needs to know how you would like your child to go home in the event of an emergency early dismissal.

On PowerSchool in the Demographics Tab there is a place for transportation notes. You can list your plans for how your child should go home if we have an unplanned early dismissal. PowerSchool

This year ALL delayed openings will be 2 hours.

If it becomes necessary to cancel school, delay opening, or dismiss early, due to weather conditions, announcements will be made on local television and radio stations.

We encourage all Doolittle families to take advantage of the early notification services offered by news organizations such as NBC30.  
Log onto to register for this free service.

Typically I receive the text from NBC only a few minutes after I receive a text from the Superintendent!

Our winter concerts are coming up:
Band - 12/20 at 7pm
Strings / Chorus - 12/21 at 7pm

Picture of the Week:
Preparing for the Concert!

Friday, December 2, 2016


Hello Doolittle Families,

How did it get to be December already?

Report Cards will be sent home on Monday, December 12. Elementary School grades in Cheshire are based on a rubric score of 1-4 and are not a numeric average of test scores, work scores, etc. Our Report Cards are intended to communicate with parents about how their child is progressing toward our end of year common standards.  

The following information comes from the Parent Report Card Handbook.

Teachers use number and letter codes to answer three evaluation questions for each student:
1. To what extent has this student achieved grade level expectations and standards?
2. To what degree does this student demonstrate effort during learning, especially when tackling challenging, new content and skills?
3. To what extent is this child developing the characteristics of successful learners?

The report card uses two different grading keys to communicate the answers to these three questions:
one for the academic areas (Question 1) and one to describe learning behaviors and effort (Questions 2-3).

Within the academic areas there are four numerical codes that will be used to tell parents and students how student work compares to grade level expectations and standards:

4: Exceeds the Grade Level Standards/Expectations: The student consistently and independently applies the grade level standards/expectations in this category to advanced content.

3: Meets the Grade Level Standards/Expectations: The student independently demonstrates the grade level standards/expectations in this category.

2: Approaches the Grade Level Standards/Expectations: The student requires some teacher assistance to demonstrate the grade level standards/expectations in this category.

1: Not Meeting the Grade Level Standards/Expectations: The student does not yet demonstrate the grade level standards/expectations in this category.

The full Parent Report Card Handbook can be found at the link below:

Picture of the Week:
Grade 2 students study weather in science.
On Tuesday the NBC First Alert Weather Tracker came for a visit.


A video of our second graders will be aired on Monday morning (DEC. 5th) from 4:30-7:00 a.m on NBC.