Friday, March 24, 2017


Hello Doolittle Families,

Today teachers had Professional Development. Most teachers attended sessions to learn about the new Math program that will be used in grades Kindergarten through 5. It is called Eureka!

In the afternoon Teachers in Grades Kindergarten through 3 took a state mandated survey about teaching reading.

Doolittle Teachers Nancy Veronneau and Kristine Lucker lead a Professional Development Session.

Budget News:
The Cheshire Town Council will have a meeting on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. At this meeting the Town Council will be discussing the 17-18 Town Budget. Obviously this is an important budget for our school. We would appreciate parents who can attend to encourage them to support Superintendent Solan’s Proposed School Budget!

Monday, March 20, 2017


Hello Doolittle Families,

Happy Spring! As Spring begins, it is time for  Doolittle School staff to begin making preliminary classroom lists for the 2017-2018 school year.  
The Doolittle staff works together to group students into new classes at each grade level.  Our primary goals are to create classrooms that are heterogeneous in composition, reflecting the variety of students in our school, as well as place each child in an environment where s/he will learn best.  We accomplish these goals by balancing classes with regard to gender, academic performance, special learning needs, independent work habits, and social-emotional development.  Teachers try to ensure that a few classmates move together to new classes and that known peer conflicts are separated.
If you have additional information that you would like taken into account when assignments are made, please write me a letter by Monday, April 3, 2017.

* Requests for specific teachers cannot be honored.
* Requests NOT to have a specific teacher MAY be honored only if your family has had a previous child placed with that teacher and it would not be appropriate to place a sibling with that teacher.

The preliminary class lists that we develop by the end of this school year are subject to change over the summer as new students enroll, current students move or if teachers move or leave. Therefore, teacher/classroom assignments for the next school year will not be finalized until the end of the summer and will be available on PowerSchool in Mid August.  Assignments will not be given out before that time.

Parent Conferences begin this week. We have early dismissals on 3/22, 3/28 and 3/30.

There is NO SCHOOL this Friday 3/24 as it is a professional Development day for Teachers.

Making Equivalent Fractions using a Number Line

Friday, March 10, 2017


Hello Doolittle Families,

The Doolittle Gratitude Project has been amazing this year. Each morning for the last two weeks students have written something they are grateful for on a stickie note. All these notes were hung on the cafeteria wall.

This project began last year when Anne Kubitsky presented her program Look for the Good. Students were encouraged to think about the things in their lives for which they were grateful. I’m very grateful that we have continued the project again this year!

Many thanks to the Student Council and their advisors: Mrs. Schult, Mrs. Charbonneau and especially Mrs. Guerin, who have facilitated this project.
I encourage parents to speak to their children about the project and talk about the good things in their lives for which they are grateful.

Parent Conferences are coming up.
3/22, 3/28 and 3/30 are early dismissal days for Parent Conferences.
Good communication between teachers and parents is vital for students’ academic and social success in school.
If you do not have a parent conference scheduled for your child - please email your child’s teacher or call the Doolittle School office to set one up!

Doolittle School: 203-272-3549

Pictures of the week:

The Wall of Gratitude!

Ride on a Hover Craft
Science Center Program sponsored by the PTA