Friday, February 22, 2019


Hello Doolittle Families,

We held our monthly Fire Drill this morning. Although we had 5
substitutes in the building due to some professional development,
students exited the building orderly and quickly. Once outside we
use walkie talkies to communicate the whereabouts of students
and classes and were able to account for every student at Doolittle
in a matter of minutes.

Anytime we conduct a safety drill such as a Fire Drill, Lockdown
or Secure School drill there are first responders on hand to observe
and give us feedback. The first responders that were present today
will send us a report with feedback and we will use their suggestions
to make our drills run even more efficiently.

This Saturday 2/23 is the Discovery Expo! Students from across
Cheshire will be presenting projects in the areas of Science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.

More information at the link below:

For Pictures - Check out Doolittle’s Twitter Page!

Friday, February 15, 2019


Hello Doolittle Families,

Reminder - Cheshire Public Schools are closed Monday 2/18 for
Presidents’ Day and Tuesday 2/19 for February Break.

Our Town Meeting today was great. Our Town Meeting theme
every February is Kindness. Our MC’s introduced each spotlight
and kept the meeting rolling. Members of the student council
shared about a leadership conference they attended. Students
of the Month were recognized. Students read poems about
kindness and and shared artwork.

For Pictures - Check out Doolittle’s Twitter Page!

Friday, February 8, 2019


Hello Doolittle Families,

A few folks have expressed concern over the parent parking lot during
dismissal. If you pick up your children up after school please have
patience and obey traffic laws. Police have been informed of the
concerns and have followed up with the drivers of vehicles that have
parked on the grass or sidewalk. I am working with our facilities crew
to extend the fence or place barriers along the Oak Avenue entrance
to prevent cars from parking on the lawn or sidewalk.

I also strongly encourage parents who are picking up their students to
use the Parent Pick Up Procedure instead of signing their child out
as a walker. It is much more safe and secure.

Students following the parent pick up procedure walk in an orderly line
to the gym and wait there for parents to get them. Students who are
listed as walkers by their parents are allowed to leave the building on
their own to walk home.

If you are driving to school to get your child please use the parent pick
up procedure and meet your child in the gym. I ask that you not try to
meet your child in the parking lot.

If you have questions or concerns about our Dismissal procedures,
please call the office at 203-272-3549.

I greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts to ensure that our dismissal
runs smoothly and safely each day.

For Pictures of the week - Check out Doolittle’s Twitter Page!

Friday, February 1, 2019


Hello Doolittle Families,

I hope the Groundhog will NOT see his shadow tomorrow and that
we will have an early spring!

Many students have been talking about the SuperBowl this weekend.
The Super Bowl offers a great opportunity to talk about good
sportsmanship. At school especially later in the year as we prepare
for Field Day, we encourage students to root for their team and not
root against the other team. We also encourage students to be
respectful of the other team whether they win or lose.

Using Math Strategies: