Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Hello Doolittle Families!
I can’t wait to welcome back our awesome Doolittle students. The first day of the 18-19 school year is Thursday, August 30th.

  • For students in Grades 2-6; classroom/teacher assignments for the 18-19 School  Year will be available on PowerSchool on Wednesday, August 15th. Due to fluctuations in enrollment district wide, grade one class assignments will not be available until next week.
    • If you have any issues with PowerSchool, please contact Doolittle School at 203-272-3549 or email our secretary, Mrs. Brainard, at .

  • Be sure to update your family’s information on PowerSchool under the Demographic icon

  • Dismissal Information needs to be recorded in PowerSchool before Aug. 30th.
    • Make sure that the information we have about your child’s dismissal plans is accurate. Add the Monday - Friday dismissal plan (including what to do in an UNPLANNED early dismissal) in the After School Transportation Notes section on the Parent Portal.
    • We want all children to get home safely and appropriately right from the FIRST DAY.

Important Dates and Information:
  • Wednesday, August 22nd at 6:00 pm in the Doolittle Cafeteria, NEW parents are invited to a “Parent Orientation Night.”  
    • This night will be very similar to the evening held in June for those who missed it.  Mr. Hinckley will review with you the day-to-day procedures at Doolittle and answer questions.
  • Wednesday, August 29th from 11:45 - 12:30 Incoming first grade students and students new to Doolittle are invited to come to school to see their classrooms and meet their teachers.  First Grade Parents should bring their child to his/her classroom and then come to the cafeteria for a question and answer session.
  • Thursday, August 30th is the first day of school.  It is a full day: 8:05-2:35.
  • Arrival; Students are permitted to enter the building at 8:00 am.  All students should enter through the front doors. Students should not arrive earlier than five minutes prior to the start of school.  
    • Parents who choose to drive their children to school must drop them off at the Oak Avenue entrance drop-off area only.  
    • If your child is late to school, we encourage you to walk him or her into the office.
  • Dismissal; Dismissal begins at 2:35. Parents may decide whether their child is dismissed as a Bus Rider, Parent Pick-up, or Walker.  Be sure your child’s dismissal information is correct in PowerSchool. (see page 1)
    • Walkers - Students assigned by their parents as walkers are allowed to leave the building on their own at dismissal time. There is NO supervision for them outside of the school building.
    • Parent Pick-up - Students assigned by their parents as Parent Pick-up, walk to the gym at dismissal time and wait there for parents.  Parents picking up children are asked to please park in the Oak Avenue parking lot or at the end of the Cornwall Avenue driveway and then walk to the gym to sign out their children with the teacher on duty.  ID may be required.
    • Bus Riders - Students assigned by their parents as Bus Riders wait in their classrooms at dismissal time until their bus is called.  Bus numbers are called as each bus arrives. Safety Patrol members, carrying signs with bus numbers, escort students out of the building and to their assigned bus in an orderly manner.
    • Students attending YMCA aftercare are dismissed from classrooms with the walkers and go straight to the Doolittle Cafeteria.  Please contact the Cheshire YMCA for more information about before school or after school programs at Doolittle School.
  • If your child’s dismissal plans change for the day, we must have the changes in writing with a signature.  A note will ensure that everyone - teachers, office staff, and dismissal staff - is aware of the change.

  • Visitors are welcome at Doolittle School but must follow our procedures for their arrival, presence, and departure so that the learning, welfare, and safety of all students is maintained.
    • All visitors to Doolittle need to have photo ID.  All visitors, including parents, are required to report to the school’s Main Office and use the LobbyGuard management system to sign in and out.
    • Visitors will use their ID to create a visitor sticker to wear while in the building.
  • Teacher meetings and classroom visits are available by appointment.  ALL classroom visits and meetings must be previously arranged with the teacher.  Please call the main office or email the teacher to schedule a specific time and date if you want to visit your child’s class or meet with the teacher.
  • There is no school on Monday, Sept. 3rd for Labor Day
  • Our Open House dates for Parents are scheduled for:
    • Tuesday, *September 4th* at 7pm for Grs. 1-3 Please note this VERY early date
    • Thursday, September 13th at 7pm for Grs. 4-6
    • We will begin these evenings at 7:00pm in the All Purpose Room.
  • Formal parent conferences will be scheduled in October.  Conference days are early dismissal days; school ends at 12:40 on those days.
  • Information about Doolittle’s curriculum can be found at                              
  • Deposits may be made to your child’s lunch account anytime at  The program will still accept checks made payable to Doolittle School Lunch Program.  The district website has a link to our Lunch and Nutrition department.
  • Breakfast is available for all students.  Students who choose to get breakfast at school should stop in the cafeteria to pick up breakfast when they arrive and then eat in their classrooms. Students pay for breakfast the same way they pay for lunch.
  • Our Doolittle PTA meets each month.  Check the PowerSchool Bulletin or join the Doolittle PTA to receive emails/notices about dates and times of meetings, programs, and opportunities to volunteer.  We encourage all families to join our awesome PTA!

If you have ANY concerns now or in the future, please don’t hesitate to call your child’s teacher, our school counselor, Mrs. Demas, School Secretary, Mrs. Brainard, or Mr. Hinckley at 203-272-3549.  
Never feel your concerns are too small – we would rather deal with small issues before they grow!

The 2018-2019 school year is going to be FANTASTIC!

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